Welcome to Emmanuel Book Station

Welcome to Emmanuel Book Station
Welcome to Emmanuel Book Station


 We provide services as below:

**欢迎Submit Form以询问印刷的价格**
**Welcome to submit form for request quotation**

(请按图片放大 Click the picture to enlarge reviews)

1. 全彩色名片 Full Color Name Card 
(Double sides Laminating Name Card)

**Additional Hot Stamping / Spot UV, extra charges will be imposed.
**Minimum 200pcs (2 boxes) per order.
**Promotion RM148.00 for 1,000pcs (Promotion will end on 31/05/2011)

Sample of Name Card (Normal / Folding)

Sample of Name Card

Sample of Name Card

Sample of Membership Card (Type of Name Card)

Sample of Membership Card (Type of Name Card)

Sample of Membership Card

2. 印章 Double Foam Flash Stamp
(Ink Refillable; Use for 3,000++ times)

Flash Chop Design (Can add logo)

Flash Stamp (Use more than 3000++ times; Ink refillable; can add logo)

3. 迷你卡通印章 Cartoon Personalized Stamp

(a) Disney ~~ Personalized Stamp - 

Each RM19.00
(西马免邮费 FREE Shipping for East Malaysia)


Funny Cartoon Personalized Stamp - 

Each RM19.00
   (西马免邮费 FREE Shipping for East Malaysia)  

(Buy 10 Free 1)

(请选出您要的公仔编号、印章颜色、印章内容、中文字款编号、英文字款编号,填入Feedback Form内的Others框内)
Please choose your cartoon code no, stamp pad color, content of stamp, chinese word code, english word code and fill in our Feedback Form at Others column